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Neal Bisno, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo

Neal Bisno was elected Vice President of SEIU in May 2016 after serving as President of Health Care SEIU Pennsylvania, the largest union of state nurses and health care workers, representing about 25,000 front-line employees In hospitals, nursing homes and seniors, home and community services, and state facilities. Bisno also chairs United Health Care Workers of Pennsylvania (UHWP), an alliance between SEIU and AFSCME that brings together 20,000 home-based care workers led by participants statewide.

Bisno has been working in the trade union movement since 1989 and has served in various leadership capacities in SEIU Pennsylvania Health Care since 1995. Bisno has doubled the size of the premises by focusing unceasingly on organizing and directing a long strategy Term to change state policy. He has led the emblematic health systems struggle in UPMC when non-unionized workers made $ 15 / hour for the largest private employer in Pennsylvania as well as innovative bargaining campaigns, recently raising salaries for thousands of nursing home workers Of convalescents and elderly at $ 15 / hour. In collaboration with allies in AFSCME, Bisno helped 20,   

Bisno's efforts have helped thousands of nurses and health care workers improve their work environment and the care they provide to their patients. SEIU Pennsylvania Health Care members have achieved innovative provisions related to patient safety in their union contracts by establishing certified, patient-safe, minimal nurse ratios, prohibiting overtime mandatory for nurses and care workers health. Bisno was one of the major architects of the 2008 Law 102, the unprecedented law prohibiting overtime mandatory for Pennsylvania health care workers.

SEIU Pennsylvania Health Care members were primary advocates for the approval of the Low Cost Health Care Act and then helped lead the successful struggle to expand Medicaid in Pennsylvania, which extended health care coverage to Saving lives to 500,000 uninsured residents.

Bisno is a trustee for the SEIU Pennsylvania Health Care Training and Education Fund, an alliance of workers and management that has pioneered programs to improve the skills of frontline caregivers and develop careers in health care For Pennsylvania workers. He is also a trustee for the Pennsylvania Employee Benefits Trust Fund and the SEIU Pennsylvania Health Care and Wellness Fund.

Bisno además ha servido como vicepresidente internacional en la Junta Ejecutiva de SEIU, secretario-tesorero del Concilio Estatal de SEIU Pensilvania, y vicepresidente de AFL-CIO Pensilvania. Es miembro del Concilio para el Control de los Costos del Cuidado de Salud en Pensilvania (PHC4) y copresidente del Centro de Carreras de Salud de Pensilvania. Bisno sirvió en el Comité Timón de Transición del gobernador Wolf en 2014-15, en el Comité de Transición del auditor general Eugene DePasquale en 2012-13, en la Comisión Asesora para la Implementación de la Reforma de Salud de 2010 del gobernador Edward Rendell, y en el Comité de Realineación de Incentivos de la Comisión de Cuidado Crónico de Pensilvania.

Bisno vive en Pittsburgh con su compañera Lisa Frank y el hijo de ambos, Sam.

Updated Aug 02, 2017