Who We Are
Every day, the 2 million members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) save lives, care for the sick, help seniors and people with disabilities live independently, educate children, and keep our communities clean, safe, and healthy. We work in a wide variety of settings including hospitals and nursing homes, public schools, universities, airports, libraries, law enforcement, and commercial office buildings, just to name a few.
COVID-19 and Monkeypox
SEIU members and millions of other service and care workers across the country are on the front lines of this crisis every day, putting our health at risk caring? For people sickened by COVID-19 and providing essential services to keep our communities going. The monkeypox outbreak adds another layer of risk for many of our members. It’s important for working people to have information to help keep themselves, their families and communities healthy, as well as resources to help the many working people who are struggling to make ends meet in the wake of the crisis.”
(* link open in a new tab)
Vaccines *
For more specific information about your state, industry, or employer, contact your local union.
Union Difference
Being a Union Member Makes a Big Difference
Together we are winning higher pay, better benefits, job security, and a retirement we can count on. As union members, we have a say in the important decisions that affect our jobs and because we have a voice, we do significantly better than people who aren’t part of a union.
Because we are united in a union, we can negotiate with our employers for better pay, health benefits, paid time off, retirement security, job security, and many other critical issues.
The result is that we make significant improvements in our overall compensation and working conditions and these gains are protected by the union contract we have with our employer.
Without a union, the employer makes all these decisions without any input from the people getting the work done on the frontlines. So it’s no wonder that workers without a union earn less and have fewer benefits than those of us who are union members.
A few recent examples
Here are just a few recent examples of how SEIU members have changed their families’ lives by sticking together:
SEIU members who work in New York and New Jersey airports as cleaners, baggage handlers, and security officers won $19 an hour–the highest minimum wage in the country.
Adjunct faculty at Fordham University won incredible raises – between 67-90% – in their first union contract and adjunct faculty at Loyola University Chicago won 51% raises in their first contract.
SEIU member nurses who work at county facilities in Los Angeles won raises plus better patient-to-staff ratios so they can do their best for the people in their care.
Chicago window washers won $26 in their recent union contract and doubled their life insurance, an important win for the very dangerous work they do.
Healthcare providers in hospitals, clinics, and doctor’s offices at Dignity Health in California won 13% raises, fully-paid healthcare, bonuses, fully-paid retirement, and a training fund for frontline workers.
Caregivers in WA state won an increase to their retirement fund, the first of its kind in the nation for people who provide in-home care. In San Francisco, home care providers won wages of $18.75 per hour, which set a new standard for people in the profession.
Member Stories

Berta Alvarado, Home care provider
"Because of our union contract, I have health insurance. My medications and doctors appointments are covered."Read More About Berta

Demetrus Dugar, Security Officer
"We set a new benchmark nationwide, winning a $15.65 minimum wage, good healthcare, and up to 4 weeks of vacation."Read More About Demetrus

Jan Williams, School Bus Driver
"As union members, we are working for justice, to raise the bar for everyone, and for equality and opportunity for all."Read More about Jan

Jordan Sillito, Paraeducator
"We figured out that everyone had been cheated out of training pay. Because we stuck together in our union, we won back pay – going back three years."Read More About Jordan

Lemoyne Miles, Proud SEIU Member
"For the first time in my life my hard work means I can take my kids to the doctor and get them Christmas presents."Read More About Lemoyne

Marisol Aguilar, Special Education Assistant
"I was able to stay in the school I love because I feel safe to advocate for what’s right for me, my coworkers, and the kids."Read More About Marisol

Pamela Owens Moore, Janitor
"Somebody has to keep our city clean—it’s honest, important work that isn’t always recognized."Read More About Pamela

Tami O’Marro, RN, BSN
"As nurses we are caretakers for our patients, but we also have to be able to care for ourselves and our families. Having a union allows us to do both."Read More About Tami
Conservative Member Engagement Committee
Like all SEIU members, we share a belief that working people shouldn't have to struggle to provide for their families, that workplaces should be fair and safe, and that we should be able to retire with dignity.
Latino Caucus
The Latino Caucus’s goal is to organize, educate and develop the Latino people in order to achieve power, respect and social justice for the working class. El objetivo del Caucus Latino es organizer, educar y desarollar al pueblo Latino para lograr poder, respeto y justicia social para la clase trabajadora.
The vision of RISE is to build the next generation of labor leaders. We are a comprehensive A-Z leadership development program for members ages 18-35.
African American Caucus
The National African American Caucus is committed to enhancing opportunities for education, training mentorship, leadership development and networking for SEIU members and staff of African descent.
Asian-Pacific Islander Caucus
The SEIU Asian Pacific Islander Caucus aims to collaborate with community organizations to address social, economic, housing, working conditions, climate, health and other issues of concern to the API community. We also aim to identify and develop community activists and leaders within the labor movement and in the community.
Lavender Caucus
The Lavender Caucus' purpose is to facilitate open and respectful communication between the LGBTQ community and the labor movement.
Retiree Council
SEIU retirees volunteer helping SEIU organize new worksites, electoral campaigns, to fight for healthcare reform and other issues important to working families.
Find My Contract
Are you an SEIU member looking to find the bargaining agreement for your workplace? To find contracts, you need to reach out to your Local Union or check their website. To find your Local Union, use the tool below.
SEIU Local 32BJ
4830-A 31st South Street
Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 845-7760
SEIU Virginia 512
3545 Chain Bridge Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
(571) 432-0209
SEIU Virginia 512
1716 E Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23223
(571) 432-0209
SEIU NAGE, Local 5000
901 North Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 519-0300