Your daily skin routine should include gentle washing and protection. Avoid the use of harsh cleansers during this time. Apply moisturizers and/or cream after washing your face. DO NOT use retinol or benzoylperozide, they can be harsh on the skin's microclimate.
Before and after PPE
Use barrier products to slow down
perspiration and excess moisture on the skin. These include Vaseline
Apply oil-based products to the face and points of contact (nose, ears, forehead, cheeks, and jaw.)
Consider the use of cream-based or acrylate Polymer and/or dimethicone (longer durability) Alternatives to use: aloe butter, sunflower oil, coconut oil
NOTE: Must be applied one (1) hour before PPE use this so that the fat from the protectant does not interfere with the seal of the mask nor increase friction, especially on the nose.

Source: NPIAP, PRPPE Guideline COVID-19, 2020