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By Lolita Owens, Philadelphia, 22-year Home Care Worker, SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania (pictured with Vice President Kamala Harris in May)
Workers are fired up for the future—a future that WILL include Vice President Kamala Harris as the 47th President of the United States.

Today I’m excited to share that SEIU is ALL IN for Kamala Harris. Working people know the candidate who can beat Donald Trump and will continue to fight for working families everywhere. Under the leadership of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, workers gained momentum with a strengthened labor board, saw the first President to walk a picket line, and witnessed historic investment in infrastructure, climate protections, and working people. NO recent presidential administration has been more committed to workers.
Vice President Harris brings decades of public service to the table and is the best-prepared candidate for the job. As a woman of color and the daughter of immigrant parents, she grew up like so many Americans just trying to get ahead despite a system that was determined to keep them down. That’s why SEIU’s elected leaders gathered and voted to officially endorse her yesterday.
I know, as do workers from every background and industry, that we need a presidential candidate who has a proven track record of backing workers. As Vice President, Kamala Harris has taken action to make home care and child care more accessible and affordable, supported new safe staffing standards for nursing homes, and has always prioritized service and care workers and the essential work that we do. In her one-on-one time spent with workers, she has seen firsthand the challenges we face – putting food on the table, paying rent, commuting to work, and balancing work and family.
Vice President Harris has championed our reproductive rights, advocated for a humane and orderly immigration system that keeps families together and keeps our economy growing, and as a Senator, fought to protect life-saving programs such as the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid. At every turn, she has leveraged our government to make our country better for working people.
We have too much at stake this election. MAGA extremists are in cahoots with the wealthy and corporations and are determined to reward them with tax breaks and fewer regulations—the very things that will stop our progress and set working people back. We can not risk our rights or our democracy this election year, or ever.
That’s why workers, of every race, are gladly backing Kamala Harris as our first woman President. In order to elect pro-worker leaders, we must vote! Check your registration today!